Deliver a party, on demand! + Giveaway


What’s a party without some drinks? Get drinks, DJ and even a bartender delivered to your party – on demand with Nox Express. Stand a chance to win 2 bottles of LuxBerry Wine, giveaway details inside.

Win two bottles of Luxberry Wine

NOX Express hopes to bring joy to you this Christmas by giving away 6 bottles of Luxberry Wine, a premium blueberry wine crafted from the finest organic and handpicked blueberries. What’s great is that GOGOVan will help you to deliver the prize to your doorsteps, whether it’s your home or a party destination!

How to win?

  1. Tag 3 friends that you love to share the wine with in this Facebook post
  2. Like NOX Express and GOGOVanSG Facebook page
  3. Pray for Santa to pick you!

Contest ends on 23 December 2015.