GoGoX 香港

GOGOVan is Moving Pets again

GOGOVan is moving pets again

GOGOVan自五月起與Hong Kong Dog Rescue(簡稱HKDR)合作,一齊Moving and Saving Dogs!

GOGOVan is Moving Pets again

GOGOVan has been cooperating with Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR) from this May.We are moving and saving dogs together.
During these days, when people came to HKDR Taipo Homing Centre and adopted a dog, GOGOVan would sponsor a free ride for the foster parent and the puppy.We were pleased to know that many foster families found lovely dogs. We thank all foster families and hope everyone could realize the importance of “Loving Dogs” . Let us help dogs live long, happy and healthy lives.
Thanks for all your supports from the beginning. To spread love, now we offer the free ride till Jan 31, 2016.
Want to know more about HKDR? Please go to
Android: https://goo.gl/k8XZva
iPhone: https://goo.gl/Evim5d
GOGOVan Website: https://dev.gogovan.com.hk
GOGOEnergy Website: https://gogoenergy.hk/