Deliveries made possible, anytime
GoGoVan Usage, GoGoX Delivery 速遞, 客戶
The inconvenience of waiting for your items to arrive can be tortuous and unbearable, especially when you need them after the standard 9am to 6pm delivery hours or the usual block schedules fixed by retailers.
You are doing late night online shopping at your favourite store and you want your items to be delivered on the same day, immediately after purchase. However, most stores only provide scheduled deliveries and you might have to wait for a day or two before receiving your items. We understand the frustration of waiting for your purchases; now just imagine how awesome it would be if you are able to receive your purchases within 4 hours or on the same day, even after the standard delivery hours?
Regardless of business or individuals’ needs, here are 3 possible scenarios which you might require deliveries after standard hours.
1) Delivery of shopping hauls

Go ahead and unleash your inner shopaholic! Love shopping online anytime? With a variety of online stores and websites, your instant gratification of getting shopping hauls increase. However, most stores only provide scheduled deliveries or wait for few days to deliver. Have you imagined you can get those shopping items right after your purchasing?
Yes, you can!
2) Delivery of important items or simply just anything
It is late at night and you have forgotten to bring an important document home which you will need for your meeting the next morning at your client’s place. Or perhaps when you reach your office, you suddenly realize that you have left your keys at home.
On top of that, you know you will be back late tonight and no one will be awake to open the door for you.
Well, anything can happen! And of course, it could be time-consuming for you to travel back and fro to retrieve the items. Now, wouldn’t it be nice if someone could collect the items and deliver to you?
Related Article: 9 tips to a better delivery
3) Delivery of festive items
Many shop owners are busy sending gifts to customers before the festival came. This requires huge logistics demands. 4 hours or same day delivery.
Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, do you want to try another delivery method?
Yes, I do.
Convenient and fuss-free. Say “YES” now, with GOGOVan!
Introducing..our new 4hour/ same day delivery service has officially launched – GOGODelivery.
We also provide on-demand, same day delivery service and booking delivery services. We can help you deliver gifts, move furniture, decorations, renovation tools, etc to your new home. We will provide reliable, quick and efficient services, so as to allow you the flexibility to book a van or truck on demand.
Want to know more about us, you can go to visit the website. You can also download our on-demand app (iTunes / Play Store), and place a booking order.
Subscribe us now to get the latest news from us.
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