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客戶 網誌

5 frequently asked questions when moving with GOGOVan

Moving to a new place can be extremely stressful and troublesome. We collected 5 most frequently asked questions when our…



媽媽是我們生命中最重要的人之一。母親節臨近,還未想到如何表達愛和感激?我們來看看有什麼珍貴而又實用的禮物可以為媽媽送上一份特別的心意? 雖然我們應該在每一天都應該心存感激,但藉著母親節,可以把平日不敢做的事情,大膽向媽媽表現出來。 相關文章:【母親節呈獻】帶媽媽去哪兒?

GoGoVan 用法 客戶 網誌

5 Gifts Idea to SuperMum on Mother's Day

Do you know what’s SuperMum means? From Cambridge Dictionary, it defines as ‘ an exemplary or exceptional mother, especially one…

GoGoVan Usage 客戶



司機 客戶

4 Misconceptions of On-demand Delivery

On-demand delivery service has the potential to fundamentally change the way we shop. It facilitates online shop users to meet the instant…

GoGoX Business 客戶