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2018年來到最後一個月,大家都抱著最興奮的心情迎接聖誕節。但是,對於不少企業來說,卻非常忙碌。訂單倍增下,不想在這個時候變得手忙腳亂,就要好好準備啦!以下帶三個貼士可以幫助大家,過一個無煩惱的聖誕節。 相關文章: 如何令網購更快更可靠?3個原因GOGOVan助你輕鬆送貨


How your business can prepare for busy Christmas time?

So, finally the end of the year is here and the fascinating Christmas time is coming to town. Many of…


What makes fast and reliable delivery service for online stores?

The excitement of online shopping can be dramatically changed to disappointment because of several reasons. Delayed delivery, damaged goods, lost…

BLOGGER GoGoX Business 客戶

【GOGOVan知多少】叫車 vs 上門送貨


BLOGGER GoGoX Delivery 速遞 客戶 網誌

5 Best Places to celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival with loved one

Mid-Autumn Festival is the second biggest festival in Chinese Culture. It falls on 24th and 25th September this year, it…

BLOGGER GoGoVan Usage GoGoX Delivery 速遞 客戶

3 Ultimate Survival Guide for University Students 3

Uni years are the best moment you’ll ever have in your lifetime, and yet university students do come with challenges…

BLOGGER GoGoVan Usage 客戶