Terms & Conditions

Your use of the Website

If you use this website (https://www.gogox.com/hk/insurance/) (the “Website”), you agree to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions (the “Terms”)  without limitation or reservation. These Terms and the GoGoX Insurance Privacy Statement (as amended from time to time at our sole discretion) (https://www.gogox.com/hk/insurance_privacy/) govern all use of and access to the Website (including but not limited to all its pages, information, text, services and data).

If you do not wish or do not agree to be bound by these Terms and the GoGoX Insurance Privacy Statement, then you should not access or use the Website. We may, at our sole discretion, from time to time amend or otherwise modify or replace any of these Terms, as we deem fit, or change, suspend or discontinue the relevant services by posting a notice on our Website, which shall be immediately effective and binding on you upon such posting. Your continued use and access to the Website after such posting shall be considered as your acceptance to the revised and updated Terms.

You acknowledge and agree that access to the Website may be suspended without warning or notice to you in order to allow for maintenance, repairs or other necessary reasons at our discretion.

You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to comply with all local laws that apply to you in the use and access of this Website. You also acknowledge and agree that we are not liable if any of your content or materials are lost when uploading it (if applicable) through this Website.

GoGoX Insurtech Limited (“GGI”) as registered insurance broker

All insurance is arranged through licensed insurers. GGI is a registered member of the Professional Insurance Brokers Association Limited of Hong Kong (membership No.: M0734), and operates as an insurance broker who you appoint to act on your behalf to negotiate contracts of insurance in line with regulatory approvals and applicable laws. GGI will solely handle all enquiries relating to contracts of insurance or insurance related matters. GGI is not an insurance company, does not underwrite any insurance risk, nor does GGI represent any insurance company(ies) in its dealings with you. For the avoidance of doubt, information on the Website is for reference only and it shall not be treated as any advice given by GoGoX as all insurance related activities are carried out solely by GGI only. It is your sole and absolute responsibility to conduct research, to seek independent and professional advice and to ensure the suitability of the products or services that are of interest to you. It is also your sole and absolute decision to purchase any products or services. 

If you have any introducer or advisor who has provided information to you about our services, you hereby agree that GGI can communicate with your introducer or advisor  in connection with any information GGI requires in order to provide the necessary services to you. You hereby confirm that your introducer or advisor had not given you any insurance advice or solicited you to use GGI’s services and GGI will not in any way be liable for any liability arising out of, or in connection with your introducer’s or advisor’s conduct and/or advice. You agree and acknowledge that any third parties (including but not limited to introducers or advisors) are not agents of GGI and do not represent GGI in any way.

Availability and accuracy of information on the Website

We will take reasonable efforts to ensure that the information, materials, data and knowledge on the Website, including but not limited to that from third parties (if applicable), are true, correct and accurate and to rectify any errors or omissions as soon as practicable upon being notified of them. However, we do not warrant and hereby disclaim any warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy, correctness, reliability, timeliness or non-infringement of any information, material or knowledge contained on the Website which are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. Any information gathered by you or the use of any parts of this Website does not constitute an official offer of insurance to you.

We also aim to provide you with uninterrupted access to the Website, but we do not guarantee or warrant that any content or functions on the Website will be uninterrupted or error free, or that defects will be corrected or that the Website will be free of all viruses and/or other harmful elements. 

We are not liable and assume no responsibility for losses or damages of any kind however caused as a result (direct or indirect) of the use or access of, or the inability to use and access the Website, including but not limited to any damage or loss suffered as a result of reliance on any parts of the Website, and/or arising out of or in connection with these Terms whether in contract, tort or otherwise, even if we have been informed of the possibility of such damage. Any and all liability for any and all indirect losses or damages suffered or incurred by you or those which were not foreseeable as a result of your access and/or use of the Website is excluded.

Access to and use of any materials on this Website are done so at your own risk and we do not guarantee downloaded files will not cause damage to property, loss of data, computer viruses, infections or any other forms of malicious software. In the event of any content being altered by an unauthorized third-party, we will accept no liability or responsibility of such damages.

GGI does not offer a guarantee on the provision of a particular product or service and does not accept any liability for the withdrawal of a product or the rejection of any application for any insurance policy.

GGI remuneration

GGI is remunerated for its services by the receipt of commission(s) paid by insurers. Your agreement to proceed with insurance-related services or products through us shall constitute your consent to the receipt of commission by GGI.

No advice

GGI does not provide advice of any kind whether personal, financial or medical. The information on this Website is not tailored to your specific financial or insurance needs and you are strongly recommended to seek independent advice concerning the same before acting on any information on this Website.

Website links

Any third-party links provided on this Website are to sources not under the control of GGI. Such links are provided solely for your information and convenience, and you shall visit such links at your own risk. The terms and conditions found on third-party websites may not align with these Terms, and GGI will not accept any liability for any loss or damage suffered through the use of any other pages or links or websites.

Ownership and limitation of use

You should only use this Website to obtain relevant insurance policy quotes for yourself. You may not use, upload, post, publish, reproduce or otherwise transfer any component of this Website or create derivative works with respect thereto. No part of this Website may be displayed in public in any form without the consent of GGI. All intellectual property rights on the pages of this Website are licensed to and owned by GGI and its associated affiliates (as applicable). Nothing on this Website permits any person the right to use any image, logo, name or trademark licensed by GGI, and to do so constitutes an infringement on the rights of the licensee. 

By accepting these Terms, you agree that you shall defend, indemnify and hold us, our affiliates, our licensors, and each of our and their respective officers, directors, other users, employees, attorneys and agents harmless from and against any and all claims, costs, damages, losses, liabilities and expenses (including attorneys’ fees and costs) arising out of or in connection with: (a) your violation or breach of any term of these Terms or any relevant laws, whether or not referenced herein; (b) your violation of any rights of any third party; or (c) your use or misuse of the Website.

Applicable laws and jurisdiction

These Terms shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong. In the event of any dispute or matter arising under these Terms, you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong.

Cookies policy

You agree and acknowledge that GGI uses internet browser cookies to help analyze web traffic on this Website and to identify which pages are being used. This is done in order to improve the Website and such cookies do not give us access to your computer or any specific information about you. 

Confirmation of insurance
You agree and acknowledge that a request for a policy may not be construed as an offer by GGI to provide a product or service to you. Confirmation of any insurance policy will only be notified to you after you communicate your request to purchase a specific product and GGI has accepted such request and all relevant full payments have been successfully received by GGI for the same. Notification of confirmation of any insurance policy may or may not be issued on paper, and a binding contract is not conditional on you receiving paper confirmation.

Information on this Website pertaining to any products and services on offer are not representative of the complete description of the particular terms and conditions of such product or service. Comprehensive information including the relevant terms and conditions specific to a particular policy or product you wish to enquire or purchase will be provided separately upon request. In the event that any such specific terms and conditions contradict with these Terms, the relevant terms and conditions of the particular product or service shall prevail. 

For the avoidance of doubt, any contract to obtain an insurance product will be entered into between you and the relevant insurance provider. All products arranged by GGI are subject to the terms and conditions of the contract between you and the applicable insurance provider. You are strongly advised to read such terms and conditions carefully and to satisfy yourself that you understand such terms and conditions thoroughly (and in appropriate cases, seek professional advice on the meaning, operation and substantive effect of these terms and conditions) before you enter into any contract for such products or services. 

You agree and acknowledge that you are fully responsible for providing GGI with the most updated contact and payment details (if applicable) and GGI will not be liable in any way if any information you have provided for use is invalid, inaccurate, inactive or has expired. You agree that you are fully responsible to inform GGI of any changes to your information, in order to ensure that you can receive all notifications and notices from GGI. GGI will not accept any liability in relation to your loss or damages arising from your failure to notify GGI of your relevant details. Where appropriate, all relevant insurance-related documents will be sent to you electronically. In cases where any insurance-related documents cannot be delivered electronically due to legal constraints, physical copies will be posted to you.

Purchase and payment

Prior to any insurance policies being confirmed or provided to you, you are required to fully and faithfully inform GGI from time to time of everything you know, or could reasonably be expected to know that could be relevant in the process or the decision to grant you the requested insurance policy(ies). To do otherwise may result in receiving no benefit from your chosen insurance policy. You agree and acknowledge that an insurance contract differs from other contracts in that it is based on the utmost good faith of the insured person and if utmost good faith is not observed, the relevant contract may be voided by the relevant insurer. You agree and acknowledge that the obligation to observe utmost good faith is a continuing one that does not cease at the point when the insurance policy is officially issued. You hereby agree that you are obliged (a) to disclose every fact which would influence the judgment of a prudent insurer in fixing the premium or in determining whether to underwrite the risk; (b) not to make any misrepresentations and not to omit any material facts; and (c) not to make fraudulent claims. For the avoidance of doubt, a fact is considered material and must be disclosed to the insurer (even if not asked or prompted by the insurer in the proposal form or any other communication between them or through GGI if it is relevant to the nature of the risk sought to be covered).

You may request for a quote via this Website, which will be provided to you electronically. Any quotes provided to you shall only be valid for 14 days and subject to other specific requirements from time to time. Should you wish to accept the quote provided after understanding all the relevant terms and conditions and obtaining independent professional advice as necessary, you will need to provide required details as specified by GGI from time to time. After then, your request will either be accepted or rejected based on the information provided by you, and the relevant proof of payment would be required by GGI should the application be accepted. All payments for any products or services must be paid in full and be made through the use of payment methods accepted by GGI from time to time. For the avoidance of doubt, the relevant binding insurance policy will only be provided to you upon the successful receipt of full payment by GGI and if you are unable to provide the relevant confirmation of payment and/or transaction as a result of any mechanical, software, computer, telecommunications or electronic failure (including but not limited to the failure to receive an electronic instruction), GGI will not be liable to you in any way for any loss or damage caused. No insurance coverage will be valid before the effective date of the relevant insurance policy. In addition, you must provide the following documents and any other documents as required from time to time, within 14 days from the relevant commencement date of the valid cover note, in order to ensure its validity:

a) a signed insurance proposal form provided by GGI;
b) the identity document(s) and driver license(s) for relevant named drivers; 

  1. c) the updated vehicle registration document in the name of the relevant proposer; and 
  2. d) no claim discount proof (if applicable). 

Once a valid cover note has been issued to you, even if the relevant insurance coverage has not yet commenced, a minimum charge of 20% of the annual premium or a minimum amount ranging from HKD515 to HKD1,550 (depending on the requirement of the relevant insurer), whichever is the higher, will be payable by you to GGI.

Refund, exchange & cancellation policy

All insurance products are not refundable, cancellable or exchangeable unless otherwise stated by GGI (which would adhere and be subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the relevant insurer’s refund policy(ies)).


If any provision of these Terms are found to be unlawful or void, such provision shall be deemed invalid without affecting the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions within these Terms. Should you have queries regarding the Terms or our Website, please contact us at: [email protected].

(Last updated on: 30 December 2022) 

聲明:GoGoX InsurTech Limited 是一間於香港註冊成立的保險經紀商,門為香港管轄地區之客戶安排保險產品及服務 。網站所提及之某些產品或服務,可能受管轄地法令所禁止或約束而不適合某些地區之居民。在進入本網站前,請詳閱本公司之條款及細則及私隱政策。 若您進入或使用本網站的資訊,即被認定為您具有評估這些資料之能力,並且無條件接受本公司之條款及細則及私隱政策。 若您不同意此等條款及細則及私隱政策, 請立即退出本網站 。

© 2022 - 2023 GoGoX InsurTech Limited。版權所有。受香港保險業監管局規管的持牌保險中介人(牌照編號:FB1841)| GoGoX Insurtech Limited為GoGoX Holdings Limited(於開曼群島及香港注冊)之全資擁有的子公司。
