
GoGoX x 大家減齡 優惠推廣條款及細則


  1. 1. 推廣期為2022年12月1日至2023年2月28日(包括首尾兩日)(「推廣期」)。
  2. 2. 如欲獲享1,500減齡積分(「獎賞積分」)(「本優惠」),申請人必須符合以下所有條件:
  • 於推廣期內成功以專屬推廣碼登記成為「大家減齡」會員;及
  • 於推廣期內下載「大家減齡」獎賞程式(「獎賞程式」)。

符合上述條件(i) 及(ii)的申請人,稱為「合資格會員」。

  1. 3. 登記「大家減齡」會籍(「會籍」)人士必須在申請時年滿18歲或以上及持有一個有效電郵地址及以申請人本人實名登記的香港流動電話號碼。每人只可以取得一個會籍,而會籍僅適用於申請人本人。
  2. 4. 有關符合上述資格將以中銀集團人壽保險有限公司(「中銀人壽」)的紀錄爲準,中銀人壽保留有關的最終決定權。
  3. 5. 獎賞積分將由有關「大家減齡」帳戶登記日起計1個月內直接派發予合資格會員的「大家減齡」會員登記帳戶。同時,合資格會員亦會於獎賞程式內收到有關通知。有關派發獎賞積分的紀錄,以中銀人壽系統之紀錄為準。如有任何因網絡、通訊、技術或其他不可歸咎於中銀人壽之原因而使得獎者無法成功收取獎賞積分,中銀人壽就此等技術問題概不負任何責任。
  4. 6. 每位合資格會員只可獲享本優惠一次。
  5. 7. 專屬推廣碼可轉讓予他人,惟每個專屬推廣碼只可使用一次,而受讓人仍須符合上述所有本優惠的條件及會籍資格方可獲享獎賞積分。
  6. 8. 本優惠的名額有限,先到先得,額滿即止。
  7. 9. 減齡積分及獎賞積分(「積分」)均不代表任何貨幣價值,不可轉讓(於獎賞程式分享積分之功能除外)、退回、更換其他禮品(於獎賞程式以積分換取禮品除外)或折換現金。積分如有遺失,中銀人壽概不補發,亦不承擔任何責任。有關使用積分的條款及細則請參閱獎賞程式及「大家減齡」官方網站。以積分可換領的獎賞(「禮品」)由個別獨立供應商提供,受其供應商所規定之條款及細則約束,中銀人壽並非禮品之供應商,客戶如對禮品有任何查詢、意見或投訴,請直接與有關供應商聯絡。中銀人壽並不會對有關供應商提供之禮品及/或產品及/或服務質素及/或供應量作出任何保證,或對於使用其禮品及/或產品及/或服務時所導致或構成的任何損失或損害負責。禮品須於指定限期前使用,否則逾期無效,中銀人壽及/或相關供應商不會補發禮品。
  8. 10. 中銀人壽保留隨時修改、暫停或取消本優惠以及修訂有關條款及細則的酌情權而毋須事先通知。
  9. 11. 如有任何爭議,中銀人壽保留最終決定權。
  10. 12. 本宣傳品的內容只關於本優惠。如本宣傳品的中、英文版本有歧異,概以英文版本為準。
  11. 13. 本優惠的條款及細則受香港特別行政區法律規管,並按照香港特別行政區法律予以解釋。
  12. 14. 「大家減齡」獎賞程式為法國再保險公司Scor旗下的保險科技公司 ReMark在香港地區為「大家減齡」獎賞計劃會員獨家提供及管理。
  13. 15. 有關「大家減齡」之會籍、獎賞程式、活動、積分獎賞、條款及細則及其他詳情請參閱「大家減齡」獎賞程式及官方網站https://www.boclife.com.hk/tc/liveyoung/home.html。

「大家減齡」查詢熱線:2862 981

Terms and Conditions:

  1. 1. Promotion period starts from 1 December 2022 until 28 February 2023 (both dates inclusive) (the “Promotion Period”).
  2. 2. To be eligible for 1,500 Bio Age Points (“Reward Points”) (the “Offer”), Applicant(s) must fulfill all of the following requirements:
    • successfully register as a member of “Live Young” with unique promo code during the Promotion Period; and
    • download “Live Young” Rewards App (the “Rewards App”) during the Promotion Period.

Applicant(s) who fulfill the abovementioned requirements (i) and (ii) are known as “Eligible Member(s)”.

3. Registration for “Live Young” membership (“Membership”) is open to persons aged 18 or above at the time of application with a valid email address and Hong Kong mobile number which is registered under the applicant’s real name Each applicant is entitled to only one Membership and the Membership is personal to the applicant only.

4. In terms of fulfilling the abovementioned requirements, BOC Group Life Assurance Company Limited (“BOC Life”)’s system record shall prevail, and BOC Life reserves the right of final decision.

5. The Reward Points will be distributed directly to the Eligible Member(s)’s registered “Live Young” account within 1 month after the date of registration of the relevant “Live Young” account. At the same time, the Eligible Member(s) will receive a notification message on the Rewards App as well. For the record of issuance of the Reward Points, BOC Life’s record shall prevail. BOC Life shall not be responsible for the Eligible Member(s) being unable to receive the Reward Points arising out of network error, malfunctions in communication facilities, technical problem or any other reason that cannot be attributed to the fault of BOC Life.

6. Each Eligible Member can be entitled to the Offer only once.

7. The unique promo code is transferable, while each unique promo code can only be used once, and the transferee must still fulfill all of the requirements of the Offer and eligibility criteria of the Membership in order to be eligible for the Reward Points.

8. The Offer is subject to a quota limit and available on a first-come first-served basis while quota lasts.

9. Both Bio Age Points and Reward Points (“Points”) do not represent any monetary value, are non-transferable (except for the Points sharing function in the App), and may not be returned, exchanged for other gifts (except for gifts redemption with Points in the App) or exchanged for cash. BOC Life shall not be liable for loss of the Points under any circumstances and will not reissue the same. For the terms and conditions of the use of Points, please refer to the App and official website of “Live Young”. Rewards that are redeemed with Bio Age Points (“Gifts”) are provided by individual independent suppliers and are subject to the terms and conditions stipulated by their suppliers. BOC Life is not the merchant supplier of the Gifts. Any enquiry or complaint in respect of the Gifts should be directed to the relevant supplier. BOC Life gives no guarantee to the Gifts and/or goods and/or service quality and/or available supply provided by the supplier, and does not accept any liability arising with the use of the Gifts and/or goods and/or services provided by the Supplier. Gifts must be used before the specified time limit, otherwise it will be invalid and BOC Life and/or the relevant suppliers will not re-issue the gift.

10. BOC Life reserves the right to amend, suspend or terminate the Offer and to amend the relevant terms and conditions at any time at its sole discretion without prior notice.

11. In case of any dispute, the decision of BOC Life shall be final.

12. The contents of this promotion material are only related to the Offer. Should there be any discrepancy between the Chinese and English versions of this promotion material, the English version shall prevail.

13. The Terms and Conditions of the Offer shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

14. “Live Young” Rewards App is provided and managed by ReMark, an InsurTech company under French reinsurer group SCOR, exclusively for the members in Hong Kong.

15. For information on “Live Young” membership, the Rewards App, campaigns, Points and rewards, terms and conditions and other details, please refer to the “Live Young” Rewards App and official website of “Live Young”. https://www.boclife.com.hk/en/liveyoung/home.html.

“Live Young” enquiry hotline: 2862 9811